Daily Bark Thursday, December 8, 2022


Signups for Auditions for the Spring Musical Grease are now posted outside Ms. Smetana’s office in the music department.  Be sure to grab an audition packet too! If you have any questions see Ms. S or Mrs. Johnson. 

The Student Association Coat & Blanket Drive continues til Thursday!  Please donate your gently used and new coats of all sizes, blankets, gloves, scarves, hats and winter boots.  Donations can be dropped off in any of the wrapped boxes located in the Commons Area, or in one of the following teacher's classrooms - Ms. Mynaugh, Ms. Ziola, Mr Dybas, Ms. Koehler's or Mr. Forberg.  THANK YOU!

Girls Who Code would like to thank you for coming in this morning to play games! Don't forget...Girls Who Code meets on Tuesday mornings in Room 252 at 7:15 am. Stop by to learn some new things about CS. Starting in January we will explore artificial intelligence. No experience necessary!

Attention seniors! Please check your email for links to submit your senior yearbook quote and to vote for senior superlatives for the yearbook! Your quotes and superlative voting ballots are due Friday, December 16th. Contact Mrs. Marsh with any questions.

Fishing Club will be meeting today in the Faculty Cafe after school
