Art Club will meet today at 3:10 in room 248. Newcomers are welcome. Come and meet up with your friends.
There is no Chess CLUB practice today in the Library. All Chess TEAM members should meet in room 119 right after school.
The SA-sponsored Blood Drive is tomorrow, on Wednesday, in the East Gym. All donors should receive an appointment card by the end of the day. Please bring a photo ID with you to the Drive. If you are 16 years old, please remember to also bring your permission slip with you to the drive on Wednesday. ALL donors please be sure to drink a lot of water, eat a healthy dinner this evening, and have a large breakfast tomorrow. THANK YOU for making a difference in our community!! Any questions - see Ms. Ziola in Room 215 or Ms. Koehler in Room 114.
Student Association Meeting is tomorrow, on Wednesday, in Room 130 at 7:20 am. ALL are welcome!
The Dance Department will be selling Krispy Kreme donuts this Thursday and Friday in the Atrium before school and in the cafeteria during all lunches. $1 per donut! Support RBHS dance and bring your bulldog appetite.
There will be pre-season strength & conditioning workouts for anyone interested in preparing for the upcoming baseball season on Wednesday & Thursday mornings from 645am to 730am in the weight room. The first workout date will be this Wednesday November 10th. Please see Coach Till with any questions.
Our next Anime Club meeting will be this Friday, November 12. Please bring your signed permission slip. See Ms. Tomecek in room 267 if you would like a copy of the permission slip
Save the Date! NHS is hosting a fundraiser at Chipotle in LaGrange this Wednesday, November 10 from 5 to 9 PM. All you need to do is mention the National Honor Society when placing your order. Online orders should use the following access code to count for the fundraiser 23JNND7. All of our proceeds will be donated to the Cameron Can organization, so you can give to a good cause and enjoy a delicious dinner. See Alli Brand or Ms. Tomecek with any questions.
Hey you! Interested in being a part of the 6th Man Band? Want to play music that you love, ON STAGE for a crowd at the Boys Varsity Home Basketball games?? If so, then sign up to audition! Auditions will be held today AND Wednesday, November 10th starting at 3:15pm by appointment. Audition sign-up sheets and more detailed information are posted on Mrs. Kelley’s Room door, Room 213. Please see Mrs. Kelley for any questions.