Tuesday is Bulldog Spirit Day - theme is: May the 4th Be With You! So, dress in any Star Wars or space-themed clothes.
Thank you to everyone who donated Pop Tops during our Collection last month. We collected 81 lbs, which equals 102,000 total pop tops! These will all be brought over to the Ronald McDonald House where they will recycle them and use the money to help families staying in the home. The following students won gift cards: Bella Ventura, Kendra Gipson, Sophie Swiconios, Veronica Hunt, Amanda DiForti, Gillian Dowling, Catherine Glawe, Lily Favela, Kiki Keen and Jake Buczkacski. And now you can start saving for next year!
Congratulations to the 2021-22 Student Association Officers;
Executive Board
President - Amanda Diforti
Vice-President - Madison Lester
Secretary - Gillian Dowling
Treasurer - Mary Izzo
Director of Communications - Nicole Gentile
Student Spokesperson - Ella Proteau
ضباط الصف
SENIORS Class of 2022
President - Alli Brand
Vice President - Remy Hillp
Secretary - Caroline Marrero
Treasurer - Stephen Berger
Appointed Officer - Joe Gilhooley
Appointed Officer - Avery O’Brien
Appointed Officer - Juan Carlos Roldan Santacruz
JUNIORS Class of 2023
President - Sam Royer
Vice President - Quinn Kahle
Secretary - Sophie Swicionis
Treasurer - Chloe Alexander
Appointed Officer - Emma McVicker
Appointed Officer - Olivia Glawe
SOPHOMORES Class of 2024
President - Greta Staneviciute
Vice President - Emily Hernandez
Secretary - Ryan Enochs
Treasurer - Alex Jacobs
Appointed Officer - Katie DeJesus
Appointed Officer - Bella Ventura